Wednesday 1 March 2017


"If there is a paradise on earth, it is here, it is here..." 

This is how English author Francis Bradley-Birt in his iconic book, "Chotanagpore, a little-known province of the Empire" introduces my hometown Hazaribagh to the world.

 Today if this gentleman was to revisit Hazaribagh, he would would be biting his nails and would be repentant that he had once considered her a paradise on earth.

Hazaribagh today is one heap of an overcrowded, filthy, undisciplined and uncivic mess. At whose streets you cannot walk without being bumped by the fearful autos, motor-cycles, cars, vans. You cannot walk as the pavements are occupied by the motorcycles and vegetable sellers. 

Horns will tear your ear drums and pollution level though not measured must be pretty high. Traffic jams are common at every street of the town. 
Trees that once were planted on either side of every street elevating them into avenues as mentioned in the book are no where to be seen. Mayhem and pandemonium rules supreme here...  

Decent families are scared to go shopping, to films due to overcrowding, jams and the bedlam in the streets and the town administration cares two hoots for this.

The stinking and clogged drains are managed by the unprofessional and untrained municipal workers...drain management is a highly trained and professional affair which the responsible people fail to comprehend.

The trees which once adorned the town are gone. Lack of proper town planning and management has resulted in the reckless growth of the town and companies like NTPC had added to her woes.    
NTPC is buying lands in Keredari, Barkagaon, Tandwa and scores of other villages which has resulted in the migration of the villagers  into Hazaribagh. Their over-pouring into the town has put pressure on her resources. Population is multiplying enormously and all of a sudden due to their migration into the town.  
NTPC has added to the killing of the beauty of the town and has begun harming both the town's and the district's environment. Prices of real estate and other essential commodities in the town has doubled by its presence. 

The ancient megaliths which I have discovered and am researching upon were never a threat prior to companies like NTPC's arrival. 

More companies like Reliance and ONGC are coming to add to the anguish of the town and the region. The heritage, art and the environment of the region are all at threat after these company's arrival. In the name of development these villagers will soon become "coolies" and labourers in their own farming or fallow lands of which they were once owners.

These companies from outside who have no attachment and understanding of Hazaribagh do not realise that they are simply not wanted here as they are clearly ruining our land, but why should they care of us.
The lake is so badly managed that the bada jheel which once was the habitat of a large number of migratory birds ceases to be one. Their habitation has been obliterated in the name of senseless cleaning of the jheel.

The eminent prehistoric megaliths of Punkri Burwadih famous for viewing the Equinox sunrise will soon be a thing of the past. And yes, very soon the by-pass would pass by the the iconic Kanhari Hill...well after that... 

Hazaribagh today was indeed a paradise which now is lost. But how did Hazaribagh once held as a heaven today ceases to be one? 

Well every one from the ministers to the MLAs, MPs to the common man has contributed to the doom of this once beautiful town.

Some sane, logical and a Hazaribagh-loving assemblage/person/persons should look all into this and act. Please keep the politicians out. 

Much has ended but what remains needs to be saved...please act, soon. Now.

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