Wednesday, 24 July 2019


Subhashis Das

Pascal shows to my son Prantik the zero point of Hazaribagh on the wall of the Christian Cemetery in front of the Transfiguration Church in Julu Park. Pascal is the caretaker of the cemetery.

Pascal shows to my son Prantik the zero point of Hazaribagh on the inner wall of the Christian Cemetery in front of the Transfiguration Church in Julu Park. The Zros are vaguely visible today. Pascal is the caretaker of the cemetery.

Pascal points to the Zero Point (The Zero is hardly visible today)

A Zero Point is also known as a Zero Mile Marker, or a Zero Mile Post. It is from this point distances to other places are usually measured. 

This Zero Point of  Hazaribagh positioned by the British is indeed a very significant point. As seen in the photograph, the Point has been located on the inner boundary wall of the cemetery in front of the Catholic Ashram of the Transfiguration Church in Julu Park. 

The Zero Point here was created by the Britishers to measure distances to other places of the then Hazaribagh.