Subhashis Das
India has numerous cart ruts. This blog-page cites only a few of the large treasure of these ruts in the country.
Rajgir has only one pair of chariot/cart ruts or incised parallel grooves on the bed rock (refer to the plates below).
How these ruts have formed is not known but Archaeological Survey of India has put up a board (refer to the pic below) that does NOT speak much about the ruts; indication that these people have clearly avoided the mystery of the tracks.
However as the legend goes they have associated the ruts with Krishna and the Mahabharata.
Just beside the cart rut in Rajgir embossed on a horizontal slab of rock are the undecipherable Sankh Lipi (Conch script).(Image below)
Cart ruts have been found all over the world as in Malta, Portugal and Rome etc. They have also been found in various places across India as in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu (refer to the pics below) other than Rajgir.
Credit: Lalit Vijay
Lalit Vijay has discovered a pair of something that can perhaps be called smaller sized cart ruts on a boulder at the origin of the Damodar River at Chulha Pani in Jharkhand.
Can these chiselled marks be called ruts, well they do appear to be so.
It is difficult to say whether these ruts across the world and India are geological formations or they were created by prehistoric humans. If these parallel track marks were man made then how were these made and why?
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